if during a conversation an individual helps a close friend to whatS-resolve a emotional problem in their life counseling is taking place. Always there is a objective driving the questions being asked during a counseling session to allow the counselor to discover the core issues. A qualified counselor is different from talking things over with a partner in that the counsellor is coached in providing help by talking through whats on your mind. A session enables you in numerous aspects of life eg assisting the patient in dealing with unwanted thoughts and anxiety. counseling enables you to express your feelings in a friendly atmosphere and identify things that cause issues not to be resolved. underlying issues unearthed in A professional counselors session may have come from former relationships that could have left a scar on the person. Advancement after A counselling session could include alternative therapies. Counselling can help you in many problem areas such as relationship issues, integration into society, and self-defeating behaviours. Deciding to begin a professional session is a big step.