Talking with a counselor differs from discussing with a friend in that the counselor is certified in providing help by discussing things. whatS-exactly whatS-Knowing before hand what youre going to achieve from a professional can help. A qualified counsellors session helps you in several ways like assisting the patient in dealing with alcohol issues and sexual identity concerns. Opting to undertake counseling. counselling can help you with a number of concerns such as dissatisfaction, self-defeating behaviours, and relationship issues.In counseling there is a goal driving the questions being asked during The counseling allowing the professional counsellor to determine the underlying problems. Options after Counseling could be group conseling. Therapeutic counselling session allows you to talk about whats on your mind in a friendly setting and identify problems that cause issues not to be resolved. if during a conversation an individual aids someone else to solve a emotional issue in their life a professional session is occuring. life problems discovered in a professional counselors session may stem from previous relationships that possibly left a footprint on the patient.