Foot massgae therapy is centred around the concept
that parts of someones hands and feet
correspond to body organs within that local area.
With the use of specially designed methods a alternative health therapist
can break up patterns of stress
within other parts of the anatomy.
Reflexology is a alternative treatment which involves manipulating the feet
to ease the discomfort for the person as a whole not just the obvious symptoms.
Fairly recent research from The far east supports the idea that hand and foot massage may aid those experiencing hydrocephalus.
Foot massage therapy may help relieve the
painful discomformt endured by customers
with earaches.
As with other alternative treatments,
all the idea of reflexology is holistic as the body is treated as a whole.
After a reflexology session it may be benefical if the client relax and gain from the treatment and check that large amounts of fresh water is taken.