Reflexology therapy is based on the idea
that areas of the hands and feet
connect very closely with other areas and organs of the body that are within the same sort of area.
With the use of specially designed methods a reflexology masseur
may aid in stress reduction
in other areas of the human body.
Reflexology is a holistic treatment that is based on the feet
to assist in healing the patient wholely not just the obvious symptoms.
Data from The far east supports the thory that hand and foot massage could benefit patients suffering with cataracts.
Foot massage therapy can help reduce the
pains suffered by those
with hydrocephalus.
Similar to holisitic therapys,
all hand and foot massage is holistic as it treats the body as a whole.
Once a session is over it may be benefical if the client relax and gain from the treatment and try to ensure plenty of still water is taken.